Is how we want to approach learning something new. First we identify the problem we’re trying to solve for. Then we seek out the topic to learn. We ask ourselves, what needs to happen?
Then we do the task and work to master the identified issue(s) we’re working on.
Finally, we move on.
Here’s the only caveat….rinse and repeat your learned skills. When we learn something new, our brains are processing differently than when we revisit the topic. The goal is to master the skills we need to be successful for our “forever” and “for now” goals. (See previous blog post For Now v. Forever)
The other caveat….how do you learn? If you’re someone who needs to “talk it out”, then make sure you have a buddy to help with clarity. We can’t meet, master, and move on if we first don’t mention what it is we want to learn.
5 Voices is a great book to read to raise self-awareness, so is Strength Based Selling.
If you’re interested in more learning and coaching from ISbD, visit my courses here.
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